Asumarea marelui examen
4 comentarii / 9333 vizualizări / 14 martie 2013
Pana acum, USL a fost supus unor mari presiuni si unor examene de rezistenta, dar in conditii de opozitie. Singurele probe mai semnificative de unitate pe care USL le-a dat, la putere fiind, au fost relativ irelevante. Formarea Guvernelor Ponta 1 si Ponta 2 si, intre ele, infamul pact de coabitare. Pentru prima data, acum, aceasta alianta urmeaza sa treaca sau sa nu treaca de un examen major. Este cel legat de proiectata asumare a raspunderii pe o lege a restituirii proprietatilor. Lupta interna, de aceasta data, nu va fi deloc usoara.
O serie de tensiuni cat se poate de reale incep sa se acumuleze in USL. Ele nu vin nici pe departe din directiile sugerate de adversarii politici ai puterii parlamentare si guvernamentale. Ci din cu totul alte directii. Este in primul rand vorba despre raportul dintre Legislativ si Executiv. Traditia recenta si extrem de nefasta se caracterizeaza prin lipsa de independenta a Parlamentului. Puterea legislativa s-a aflat, 23 de ani, la remorca Guvernului. Executivul a ordonat iar parlamentarii majoritatii au bifat. Nu exista niciun singur caz in care, in mod explicit, majoritatea parlamentara sa fi decis daramarea unui guvern care a administrat rau tara. Nu exista nici macar un singur caz de motiune simpla initiata de majoritate impotriva unui ministru. Nu exista nici macar o ocazie consemnata in care premierul sa fie chemat in fata majoritatii pentru a da socoteala de anumite acte, fapte sau declaratii.
In schimb, numarul ordonantelor de urgenta s-a inmultit intr-un mod de netolerat intr-o democratie. Zilele trecute, Petre Roman a marturisit ca, la un moment dat, in timpul mandatului sau, Adrian Severin, ministru al Reformei, i-a dat o veste buna si o veste rea. Vestea buna era ca, la nevoie, Guvernul putea initia o ordonanta de urgenta. Vestea rea era ca putea face acest lucru o singura data pe an. Mai tarziu, Guvernul Ciorbea a descoperit ca-si poate asuma raspunderea nu pentru o singura lege, ci pentru un pachet de legi. Intre timp, raspunderea si-o asuma guvernele pentru ce vrei si pentru ce nu vrei. S-a ajuns in situaitia absurda in care, teoretic cel putin, este posibil ca, la inceputul unei sesiuni parlamentare, Guvernul sa-si asume raspunderea pe intreg pachetul legislativ, util pana la sesiunea urmatoare, astfel incat Parlamentul sa devina o simpla fictiune.
USL a atacat fara echivoc guvernele anterioare atat pentru numarul exagerat de mare de ordonante de urgenta, cat si pentru asumarile de raspundere. Astazi, din ce in ce mai multi parlamentari USL semnaleaza, din ce in ce mai iritati, numarul exagerat de mare al ordonantelor de urgenta emise de Guvernul Ponta.
Si iata ca vine pe banda si prima asumare de raspundere. Pe o lege extrem de controversata. Si sub pretextul, in parte real, al presiunilor CEDO. Presiune sau ultimatum?
Acest act normativ poate afecta, in bine sau in rau, cel putin doua milioane de familii. Daca actul normativ e facut pe picior, pentru USL efectele vor fi dezastruoase. Iar o asumare de raspundere care ocoleste dezbaterea, atat din directia societatii civile, cat si din directia Parlamentului, poate sta la baza unui asemenea pericol real. Se contureaza proteste dure in interiorul majoritatii. (Sorin Rosca Stanescu)
Sursa: CorectNews
Rochester is my hometown and I think this siittauon, rather than being unique and isolated, reflects a general decline in Rochester culture over the past decade or two. An obvious corollary is a similar decline in the music scene since the late ’90s. As recently as ten years ago, I remember going to local clubs to see bands like B.R.M.C., Spiritualized, Raveonettes, Muse, etc. I think Deftones were here every third weekend. Big acts. Relevant acts. And people came out to the shows. The local metal scene was pretty active and the hardcore scene (don’t hate) was particularly vibrant. I played in bands and we always had places to play and bands to play with – people were supportive of touring acts and touring bands made sure Rochester was on their itinerary. I remember basement shows with band like Botch and Coalesce that were just electric.But that’s all dropped off pretty sharply. Rochester is no longer much more than a pit stop between New York and Toronto – the bands don’t play here anymore and people don’t come to shows when they do. (It’s the exact same thing up the road in Buffalo, where I recently went to see Class Actress, for instance, at a small club and was – no exaggeration – one of TWO people there. The other guy looked like he had just wandered into the club for a drink. The night before, they had played to 500 people in Toronto. It was awkward for all parties involved.) At any rate, I think much of it owes to the decline of the staple industries in Western New York; Rochester used to be the home of Kodak, Xerox, and Bauch & Lomb, but each of those lost the plot in the mid-’90s and the city has never recovered from the consequent exodus. There have been isolated movements to revive specific neighborhoods and when I’m back in town visiting family, I try to make it out to a Rhinos game or a local club for a small show, but I don’t see much happening to revitalize the town in any way, shape, or form. There are little flashes of activity and interest in music, sports, the arts, but just not enough anymore to sustain a vibrant scene or top-tier professional sports team.Sorry for the ramble. It probably should have been aborted about two sentences in. But yeah, bottom line: if Kodak had gone digital instead of steering themselves headfirst into obsolescence, the Rhinos would be Reigning MLS champions and aspiring musicians would be moving from Portland to Rochester to make a name for themselves.
you know what buddy? I also wish that someone would do that duetmcnoary on the rise and fall of the Rochester Rhinos, I think it would be a big hit, I would watch it for sure
It was awesome to see you up in Rochester! Really inteiestrng place, and I’m glad I got to go. It was nice to see you in the classes too, and use you/that as a model of different ways to style the various routines.Can’t wait to have you in the South! We can dance girly together
SF – looks like you’ve picked up on what we were dabiteng all of yesterday on GoalSeattle’s foums. From what I can gather, David (he’s known as GS-1) and Sean (Sounders4Life) are on EXACTLY the same page. The interviewer didn’t bother meeting with either of them in person, instead deciding to conduct his interviews electronically. So what you have is an article that is really out of context.For better or worse the article has struck a raw nerve. So that’s why you’ve got T80 getting ticked. Are we in the ECS too defensive? Sure, we all have our faults. We’re just passionate football fans and in the end that’s what the brotherhood around this sport is all about.Thanks for blogging about football and keep up the passion. Cheers!